Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mother's Day is over...but meditation is the key to continued JOY

A mindful mom is a joyous mom.  As we allow the bliss of meditation and peace to wash over and engulf our present moment, the mother in all of us becomes more caring, more compassionate, more truly present and alive to the wondrous nature of parenting.

Over the past two+ decades, it has been my great good fortune to introduce many hundreds of moms to the wonderful joy of mindfulness meditation.  This began with my own mom, when we meditated together every Saturday morning, and continues to this day as more and more moms (or those who have ever been, or ever had, a mom) find themselves drawn to the liberating wonder of what lies within us. 

As the old zen saying goes, “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day, unless you’re too busy, then you should sit for an hour.”  We all say we want to spend more time with ourselves, or become better, more intelligent parents, and spouses, and friends – yet, whenever we find ourselves alone, we choose to occupy the mind with chores, with pastimes, with hobbies, with anything BUT sitting and watching the flow of our conscious minds.  Not only do we deprive ourselves of deep insights into our true natures, we take away the precious gift of the only thing that truly exists – this moment, right here, right now.

Learn to take time to meditate, to become more mindful, and you unlock the greatest treasure of all – knowledge of you.  With that knowledge, you cannot help but to become a better parent, a better person, a better mom, a better you!

Meditate.  Because some questions can’t be answered by Google.

Baba G

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